2024/6/21-22 オランダで開催される UNMUTED – prepare for trouble, make it double -(Holland, Arhnem) にDJ SHARPNELチームがIRL出演
オランダの都市アーンネムで開催される2DAYSパーティ UNMUTEDにDJ SHARPNELチームがIRL出演します!!
Unmuted: Prepare For Trouble Make It Double Day One – Willemeen
**The ultimate rave parties for nerds UNMUTED is returning not for one, but for two nights back to Willemeen where it started. So prepare for trouble, make it double! **
Like last time we can expect NDXJCL artists from all over the world. Lineup will be revealed in time. As for music styles? While most are affiliated with J-Core, there are many more music styles to be heard. Diversity is key to NDXJCL, so expect two diverse nights.